Registration Policies

Domain names are subject to the following conditions in their structure: The only valid characters for a domain name are the letters of the alphabet (A-Z), the digits (0-9), and the hyphen (-). Accented letters, Ñs, and underlines are not allowed. It is not case sensitive. The first and last character of the domain cannot be a hyphen, nor can there be two or more hyphens in a row. For second level domains, the minimum length required is 4 characters and the maximum length is 65 characters. For third level domains, the minimum length required is 3 characters and the maximum length is 65 characters. Although up to 65 characters are technically allowed, it is recommended that the maximum be 25 characters for practical reasons.

Domain name

Under no circumstances will the registration of a domain name be admitted when said name: It is made up of terms or expressions that are offensive, bad-sounding, affect morality, public order or are contrary to the Law of Ecuador. Make reference to official aspects or topics of the country without having proper authorization to do so. Match Internet names, protocols, applications and terminologies, for example: “http”, “web”, “www”, “ftp”, “telnet”, “email”, etc. Match identically and at the same level with an existing domain name in the database of ECUADORDOMAIN S.A., or its Registrar Agents, match names restricted for registration in accordance with ECUADORDOMAIN S.A. policies.

ECUADORDOMAIN S.A., reserves the right to cancel the domain that you have contracted, if its content violates Ecuadorian laws.

Registration mode

Registration with Registrar Agents ( Registrar Agents are responsible for facilitating the management of domain registration through their own websites within the framework of free competition, so they are free to generate their own registration and renewal pricing policy. Registrar Agents also offer value-added services (hosting, email, etc.).

Registration with .ec Network Information Center.

Direct registration with the .ec Network Information Center is mandatory for the restricted domains and, which due to their special conditions require management by the domain Administrator.

Special Domains

Before activating the domain, it is essential to confirm the following documentation:

Professional Domains

Before activating the domain, it is essential to confirm the following documentation:

Price Policies Network Information Center promotes the figure of Registrar Agents and free competition, which is why the registration and renewal prices will be set by each Registrar Agent, who is obliged to display their prices and payment conditions in a clear and precise manner on their website, as well as informing the Registry Owner about its pricing policies.

Conflict Policies

With the expansion of the Internet, domain names are the current commercial identifiers.

However, before the Internet, there were already commercial identifiers that are protected by intellectual property rights, so it is common for disputes to arise between them.

Ecuadordomain S.A.,, in its capacity as administrator of the ccTLD .ec by delegation of the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), is legally capable of offering an alternative resolution system for conflicts arising from name disputes of domains, which consists of the following procedure:

Whoever considers themselves harmed may inform, by means of written communication with an electronic signature sent to, of the conflict and determining the conflicting domain by attaching:

Documentation that proves your ownership of the brand. Ruc, appointment of legal representative, copy of the legal representative's ID in the case of legal entities. RUC and/or ID in case of individuals.

Email, contact cell phone number. Proof of payment of the registration cost of the claimed domain and renewal for two years. will inform the domain owner of the complaint filed against them and will ask them to justify their ownership of the trademark or good faith use of it within 72 hours.

In the event that the domain owner accepts the infringement, an agreement will be signed between the parties by which it is agreed to cancel the domain and the domain owner is released from civil and administrative responsibilities, leaving the domain free and available for that the owner of the trademark registers under his name with the cost initially paid.

If the domain owner refutes the complaint filed against him, will invite the parties to mediate in a Mediation Center, the costs of which will be borne by the person who filed the complaint. This process is voluntary.

If the parties do not reach an agreement or do not submit to mediation, they must follow the procedure established in the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy promulgated by ICANN. While the process is developing, the domain will be suspended, which means that it cannot be transferred by its owner.

Disputes covered by the administrative procedure of the Uniform Policy

In accordance with paragraph 4.a) of the Uniform Policy, the UDRP administrative procedure is available only in the case of disputes related to the alleged abusive registration of a domain name; that is, disputes that satisfy the following criteria

The domain name registered by the domain name holder is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the plaintiff (the person or entity filing the lawsuit) has rights. ; and

The owner of the domain name has no rights or legitimate interests with respect to the domain name in question;

The domain name has been registered and is used in bad faith.

Circumstances that prove that a domain name has been registered and is used in bad faith.

Paragraph 4.b) of the Uniform Policy provides for the following examples of circumstances that the Administrative Panel of Experts will consider as evidence of bad faith registration and use of a domain name:

Circumstances indicating that the domain name has been registered or acquired primarily for the purpose of selling, renting or otherwise assigning the registration of the domain name

to the plaintiff who is the owner of the product or service mark or to a competitor of that plaintiff, for a certain value that exceeds the various costs that are directly related to the domain name.

The domain name has been registered in order to prevent the owner of the product or service mark from mirroring the mark in a corresponding domain name, provided that the owner of the domain name has engaged in such conduct.

The domain name has been registered primarily for the purpose of disrupting the business of a competitor.

By using the domain name, the owner has intentionally attempted to attract Internet users for profit to its website or any other online site, creating the possibility of confusion with the plaintiff's mark as to the source. , sponsorship, affiliation or promotion of the owner's website or its online site or a product or service listed on the owner's website or its online site.

There may be other circumstances that demonstrate bad faith registration and use of a domain name.

Legal proceeding

Whoever feels harmed by the dispute can initiate a legal procedure in accordance with Ecuadorian regulations. The resolution issued by the competent entity will be complied with by once it is notified.


Years of history


Registered domains


Global nodes